
Unconventional medicine

There are many examples of unconventional or alternative medicine. I have knowledge of a few. One is acupuncture, it is a traditional Chinese cure of various illness. It is about injecting thin needles into the body and it has many benefits for the body. It could cure many things, including illness, pain, inches, etc. For example, one person has back pain, and he requests a doctor performing acupuncture on him, he could feel the needles on his back but it is not painful, this is the mystery of acupuncture, even though there are needles, they are not painful. Another example is gua sha, which is scrap away fever or disease in Chinese meaning. Gua sha is a traditional way to cure many things such as pain or illness. It is done by making a little bit forceful stroke on the skin and leave marks on skin, the marks are from the forceful strokes, and this is to let illness or disease to go away. Another example is herbalism in tea, it is amazing that some tea leaves have many benefits to the body, and if one drinks tea daily, he could maintain healthy without much effort. Such as green tea, which is said to improve metabolism and gives energy. The reasons as to why tea herbs help the body is a mystery. There are many other examples, overall, a good number of unconventional medicine is very good for health. 

I had a personal experience with unconventional medicine. When I was a child, I had a eating disorder. I did not like most food, I do not remember exactly what happened but I had a difficult time swallow food because I had no appetite. Then my parent found a Chinese doctor to help me. He pushed my stomach by concentrating on specific points on the body, I didn't know how he had done that, but only one push, I felt much better. The result was that my appetite improved, and I had a much easier time eating food. I think he concentrated on specific points on the body, similar to acupuncture, the points on the body are connected, so pain in one area could cause problems in other areas, also, cure in one area could have positive effects on other areas. This is only my experience, I am sure there are many experiences of other people with unconventional medicine. My opinion is that unconventional medicine might not be highly regarded among health professionals, but they should be more accepted among the general public. Sometimes people have to be open minded and try new things, once they have tried, they can decided whether it is good for them or not. Most unconventional medicine are harmless and worth the try

2 条评论:

  1. Hmmmmm
    this blog was very interesting.
    I don't like tea, the the acupuncture and pressure point type thing sounds interesting.
    I'm glad to hear your childhood illness was cured X)

  2. I've never been a real tea person either. I'm more of a coffee guy and i barely drink that. My mom took some acupuncture because she was really stressed out. It didn't work for her.
